The problem
Emptying camping-toilet waste tanks is often a smelly and unpleasant task. In addition, cleaning and filling the waste tanks with water represents a further challenge for every automation solution, as machine elements must be particularly resistant to corrosion. In order for the investment in fully automatic cleaning systems on camping sites to be worthwhile, the automation solution must pay for itself quickly and at the same time be safe, durable and maintenance-free.
The solution:
Inside the Camping Butler is a pan into which the waste tank is manually inserted. After insertion of the waste tank, the side walls of the pan adapt to the septic tank by means of two precision shafts with bearings, so that the tank is fixed in the pan. Furthermore, e-chains ensure a safe energy supply system. A drylin room linear robot with two z-axes is mounted on the pan itself. This complete system is supplied and assembled with motors, couplings and encoders. It consists of two drylin ZLW toothed belt axes, one ZLW cantilever axis and two ZLW z-axes. The linear guide carriages are equipped with lubrication-free sliding elements that ensure precise guidance.
Fully automatic and simple operation After insertion of the septic tank, the lid of the tank is unscrewed and opened using a gripper mounted on one of the z-axes of the linear robot. Connected to the second z-axis, there is an attachment at the inlet of the tank through which water is filled. A gear turns the pan and the linear robot through 180 degrees to empty and rinse the contents of the tank. The gear returns the pan to its original position, the flap opens and the camper can remove the cleaned tank.