In the field of Bergamont's full suspension mountain bikes, "ConTrail MGN" is one of the top models. At the dropouts of the rear suspension, lightweight iglidur polymer plain bearings from igus are used for heavy duty applications. When designing a rear suspension, the definition of the pivot points plays a very important role. Thomas Marquardt: "We have a clear understanding of how a bike should run and carry out extensive testing during development." This not only applies to the placement of the pivot points and to the kinematics, but also to the selection of the bearing points. At all bearing points Bergamont originally used its "Fullys" ball bearings. For the first time, the "Contrail MGN" has deviated from this principle. "At the two front pivot points," says Marquardt, "that is, when connecting the rocker to the frame, we use deep groove ball bearings because the bearings here make a relatively large pivoting movement. On the rear joint, in the rear axle, this time we have departed from the old method and use a plain bearing. “
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