Protocol-independent procedure measures the data transmission properties directly during operation
Always with the aim of saving unnecessary costs, we have further optimised the condition monitoring of bus cables. The new measuring method determines the data transmission properties of the cables during operation by using high-frequency technology. This eliminates the need for additional sacrificial cores. One feed-through adapter is looped into the Ethernet cable to be monitored at the beginning and end respectively. The small design of the adapters allows subsequent installation at any time.
This sensor data can be processed by the i.Cee:plus module during operation. If the transmission properties begin to deteriorate, this can immediately be taken as an indicator for a timely cable replacement. Plant downtime can also be prevented by this intelligent condition monitoring of the entire moving cable including plug-in connector.
Part number transmitter: IS.CF.D.SU.ETHER01.T.01.0.BETA
Part number receiver: IS.CF.D.SU.ETHER01.R.01.0.BETA
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