Overview of Assembly Instructions for igus® e-chains®

igus energy chains are easy to assemble and to separate. You only need a screwdriver to assemble each series. The following assembly instructions include several pictures to describe how to assemble or disassemble each series. For some series, videos explain how to assemble the energy chain. The instructions are sorted according to the sizes of the energy chains, 3D movements and special solutions.

Small energy chains


Medium-sized energy chains


Large energy chains


Energy chains for 3D movements


Smooth operation & suitable for cleanrooms


Further assembly instructions


Installation service for energy chains

Installation service

Save time and money on the maintenance and installation of your energy chain systems

We have the expertise when the job calls for reliable energy supply systems and their installation at the customer's site, ranging from individual energy chain link replacement to major modernisation projects, from individual component assembly to fully harnessed systems.