Our iglidur plain bearings are problem solvers in a wide range of industries. Why are we always front-runners with our products? Because we listen to our customers, and their requirements and challenges are our driving force for innovations and even better products: more durable, quieter, more reliable, always keeping our responsibility towards the environment in mind.
Here, we would like to present our new plain bearing products, which aim at helping you save costs while increasing your system quality. If you have questions about our new plain bearing products please get in touch! We're here to help.
According to FDA, EU 10/2011 and new: GB 4806.1/7. The high-temperature material with ESD specifications can now also be used for applications that require compliance with Chinese food standards.
In more and more areas, CO₂ emissions have to be determined and reduced. We support you in this: The CO2 emissions generated during the transport and manufacturing processes of our plain bearings can now be calculated and displayed for each iglidur bearing. This allows you to select and compare the plain bearing with the lowest carbon footprint for your application.
Made from cost-effective regranulate for high loads
iglidur Q2LW
The regranulate version of the tried-and-tested iglidur Q2 heavy-duty plain bearing material is ideal for price-sensitive applications with high loads.
When things need to be particularly cost-effective
iglidur econ materials
The materials of the econ series, iglidur J4, GLW, P4, PLW210, ALW350, HLW and NEW: Q2LW are not only ideal for a wide range of applications, but are now also available on the European market in standard dimensions.