Patented tilting technology for a comfortable ride
The special GLEAM cargo e-bike riding experience comes from the patented tilting technology and suspension. Seven years went into developing the core cargo e-bike technology: the Unique Dynamic Tilting Technology (DTT), as it is called, ensures a riding experience comparable to that of a normal bicycle. As with a normal bike, the rider can lean into the curve, and the DTT returns him to an upright position. DTT makes obstacles on the street easy to overcome. When you park the bike, the tilting technology can be disabled with a lock, and the bike rests upright. The cargo e-bike's full suspension makes sure the load in the cargo area stays horizontal and protected, even on cobblestones or when one of the two rear wheels goes up over the kerb. The DTT easily compensates for such bumps. "We use iglidur plain bearings in the DTT, the locking mechanism and the suspension. The plain bearings are durable and dampen vibrations. This is ideal for our cargo bikes," says Eibl.