What was needed: a drive system that can move a height-adjustable and fixed table in the pool without problems - despite being continuously surrounded by pool water.
Requirements: water resistance, 100% freedom from lubrication and maintenance, corrosion resistance, very smooth movements, long service life, movement via hand wheel must be possible
Success for the customer: thanks to the dryspin® lead screw drives, a smooth adjustment of the table in the pool is guaranteed. The material properties of dryspin® lead screw nuts made of iglidur® high-performance polymers make them perfect for continuous use in chlorinated water. Lead screw nuts and plain bearing bushings made of plastic, and stainless-steel lead screws eliminate corrosion. Resistance to corrosion is essential for drives with constant contact with water. Regular maintenance or lubrication of the lead screw drives of the table in the pool should also be avoided, which is why the plastic alternative dryspin® has a clear advantage here compared to metal.
Do you have questions about drylin® lead screw technology?
Our expert Thorben Hendricks will answer all your questions about drylin lead screw technology. Simply fill in the contact form and we will take care of your enquiry. We look forward to hearing from you!
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