igus components meet all requirements
The "IceMole" is a melting probe, with which the polar regions, glaciers and as a long-term objective, extraterrestrial regions are to be explored. The probe essentially consists of a heating head with an ice screw and an aluminium housing, in which measuring instruments can be accommodated. The bearing of the ice screw must be insensitive to water and dirt, and should also be thermally insulating. Here, a component machined from an iglidur A180 bar stock has been used.
Due to the partial control system of the heaters on the melting head and on the walls of the IceMole, this can melt a path through the ice. Even cornering is possible. During melting, an ice core passes through the hollow ice screw into the interior of the probe, where it can be analysed. With the aid of the ice screw, the probe's melt head is pressed firmly onto the ice, ensuring optimum heat transfer between heating head and ice. In addition, the IceMole can make its way through "dirty" ice and sediment layers with the ice screw.