Requirement: 4,000 hours maintenance-free operation under harsh conditions
Since about fifteen years the basic material of the L&K tools has been the extremely resilient Hardox steels of the Swedish steel producer SSAB. Similarly resistant components must also be used on the joints which, for example, tilt a high dump bucket or open and close the halves of a grab bucket.
The requirement profile for such bearings is clearly defined. Dipl.-Ing. Roland Georgi, Design Engineer and in charge of Quality Management at L&K: "The bearings must achieve the same service life as the bucket. And they must be maintenance-free. “
Lightweight design counts - even for excavator buckets
Here the designers, who work with modern CAD tools, originally used metallic plain bearings with a sintered-on gliding layer. Five years ago, L&K tested an alternative to this composite design for the first time and used bearing bushings made of iglidur. This high-performance polymer with incorporated lubricant works as a "mono-material" over the entire service life without lubrication and is extremely resilient.
There are three good reasons for this choice. : "The polymer bearings are about 40 percent more cost-effective. They require no lubrication and their mass is less than that of the previously installed composite bearings. " Indeed, mass plays an important role for the design engineers at L&K: "We manufacture moving components. If the bucket becomes too heavy, the dynamics suffer. For this reason, lightweight construction is also an important trend in our company, whereby the load-bearing capacity must not be impaired. “
More and more series converted
The first tests were carried out to the complete satisfaction of both the L&K engineers and the users. In the meantime, the ultra-light design, which is supplemented by iglidur plain bearings, is protected by utility patent. It is used in a wide variety of buckets, shovels and special tools - for example in high dump buckets, which are used as salt loading buckets in the salt depots of municipal utilities, and in various designs of grab buckets and trench buckets. For a high dump bucket with a capacity of 8.5 m3, L&K has already implemented a real "XXL application" for the maintenance-free iglidur plain bushings several times.
Conversion without changing the design
The designers of L&K use bushings with diameters of 40 to 80 millimetres made of the universal material iglidur J as well as iglidur P, which remains particularly dimensionally stable under high loads and fluctuating environmental conditions including humidity.
Another positive aspect from the point of view of the L&K designers is that the iglidur bushings can be replaced 1:1 with plain bearings made of metallic composite material: An alteration of the surrounding structure is not necessary. And both purchasing and production are satisfied with the fast delivery by igus in small batch sizes: Because L&K usually only needs two bushings per tool.