Test setup: motor cable CF38

Test number:4904
Cable type:CF38.250.04
Cable type:Motor cable
Bend radius:175mm (factor 6.5 x d)
Service life:43 million strokes

In this test, the service life expectancy of the CF38.250.04 should be investigated in an e-chain with a 175mm radius

Cable failures are certainly never desired. However, a cable failure in crane and trolley travels is unthinkable. Reliability and maximum safety are required here. The motor cables used are therefore exposed to major challenges. Temperatures of -40°C to +80°C are not uncommon. In addition, there are usually long travels and therefore high loads due to continuous use and dust. The motor cable used must withstand all these conditions.

The test has shown that the expected service life of the CF38.250.04 motor cable survives 43 million strokes and thus brings with it large reserves.

You can download the full test report here. You can see all the details there