Gluing linear robot - tapo-fix

What was needed:
automated application of sealant to metal parts
simple handling, precision when dosing, consistent quality in dosing processes in mass production 
igus room linear robot 
metal processing
Success for the customer:
modular robot system automates tedious manual work in large-scale production and scales production capacities


Go to application

tapo-fix GmbH, based in Wolfsburg, Germany, uses an igus room linear robot to automate application of sealant to metal parts. The robot's simple operation means that any production employee can work with it immediately. The laborious manual work done by employees during the process of applying the sealant is greatly reduced, and the quality of the sealant dosing process is greatly enhanced, since manual errors are eliminated.

The problem

The original sealant dosing process was very laborious and time-consuming and required a high degree of employee concentration.
It was therefore almost impossible to guarantee consistent sealing seam quality. Employee workload was also very high due to the length of the process, and this could further reduce quality.


The solution

Using an igus linear robot to automate the dosing procedure not only frees up employees, but also ensures precise, consistent sealant distribution.
Human-robot cooperation and the greater sealant application speed increased production capacity by a factor of four.

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