Radius of movement of 180°
For years, Ship & Yacht Engineering Ltd. has specialised in the management and implementation of complex projects in shipbuilding and marine technology. Its founder and CEO, Erik Hofmann, develops everything needed in shipbuilding, from ramps to cruise ships. In his work with various shipping companies, he repeatedly became aware of the disadvantages of A-frames.
He then developed an A-frame with maintenance-free, lubrication-free pivot kinematics for a 180° motion radius, the Linkage System. To minimise maintenance and keep the kinematics bearing points lubrication-free, Hofmann uses iglidur® plain bearings.
Hofmann's novel A-frame stands in the port of Leer in East Frisia, and doesn't seem unlike all others at first. However, closer examination reveals one crucial difference: unlike other hydraulically operated A-frames, this one has no external cylinders. This is the great advantage of Hofmann's innovation. The lifting system is tilted with the linkage system. The cylinders and the special pivot kinematics are installed in the A-frame's frame, allowing a motion radius of 180°.